Our first class session involved going into a website which was www.openprocessing.org. We were told to browse around through the processing sketches that other people around the world have created, using the program Processing. I was fascinated by the level of creation and sophistication that has gone through each process. I chose the following 2 examples of processes that people have done since I was interested in following something like these throughout my project.
The first one is called "harmony_web_remake" which starts off as a blank white sheet. It involves users to interact with their mouse by holding down the left-click. By doing this we can create a digital web, as I have explored below. The link to this is:
The second one that I found interesting was called "ink splatter" which again starts with a blank page and requires the user to interact. By clicking on the sheet, an ink splatter colored black appears on the page. What I liked about this one is that no matter how many times you click on the page, it never generates the same style brush stroke as the others. It ranges from sizes, which also includes a wet-paint style drip down the page. After awhile, the ink starts to "dry" out and turns into a grey color, similar to real black paint or indian ink. This java script can be found here:
This course Creative Coding (DSDN142) is completely new to me, speaking to a few students in the first class we agreed that it is almost like learning a whole new language. I myself is very inexperienced at this and will be interested to learn more.
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