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Monday, 23 July 2012

DSDN 142: Creative Coding

Processing Introduction

For our first class in creative coding, we were introduced to the program that we were to use throughout this whole semester. Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. Perfect for designers like myself, since it's free and great to use. Our first lesson we just learnt the basics of coding. We made a blank canvas, and drew some shapes and lines. We then learnt a little about variables and how to color in shapes etc. Nothing too difficult for a start but it'll get more complicated later on. 

These are a few that I have made just for practice. The first is just a basic traffic light, made of 3 ellipses all color filled and 3 rectangles which are color filled as well. Making the shapes were easy it was just finding the correct position that was hard to do, practice makes perfect I guess.

The following 4 images are just an experiment using "beginShape" an "vertex". I drew 6 vertex's in the image and made the last vertex as a "mouseY" movement, which means wherever your mouse cursor moves the art point moves. But as you can see with the first one I didn't put a background color in "void draw" which meant it didn't maintain the color it had throughout the whole interaction. The last three images show the fixed one that I made with the movement on it too.

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