DSDN 101

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DSDN 144

DSDN 171

Monday, 26 March 2012

DSDN 144 Final Photos

(Crouched Angle Technique)

These are my final images for this project. I developed what I had from my first and second shoot and improved them a lot more, messed around with the lighting and angles of each shot and eventually ended up with successful photos. The reason my my project name is because every photo is taken from what we imagine a cat's point of view is down low within a closed and open space. Also i came up with C.A.T. which means crouched angle techniques, which simply means that every photo i took i was pretty much crouching. The journey begins with the cat surrounded in a closed space with leaves over-hanging in the photo, which makes for a nice crop. The second photo has a nice repetition within it and has been framed right to give it that symmetry. The images go on from points of views under certain objects to show that contrast with shadows from a low angle, giving it feeling and darkness in the image. Finally we reach the shed where these photos give off the most curiosity, along with fear. Curiosity of what could possibly be inside of the shed, and fear of the nearby person walking past. Which is why i took a photo from the inside looking out to give that feeling of this cat, hiding in the darkness. I'm pretty happy with my end result, the images turned out good and my story makes sense. 

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